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Graduate Program in Educational Psychology

The goal of the Educational Psychology Program at Korea University (in the Department of Education and the College of Education) is to produce future scholars who can make significant contributions to the field by becoming proficient in multidisciplinary approaches to the study of motivation, particularly as it relates to student learning. Under the close guidance of the world-renowned faculty, all students in the Program participate in diverse research projects in their capacity as bMRI research assistants. All courses are offered in English, and all theses and dissertations are written in English.

The Educational Psychology Program has signed an MOU with the Ohio State University in the United States for a graduate student exchange program since 2016, which provides an opportunity to take classes at the Ohio State University for one semester for doctoral students who wish to take advantage of this opportunity. In addition, in cooperation with the Hector Research Institute of Education Sciences and Psychology of the University of Tübingen in Germany, bMRI supports its new Ph.D.’s to apply for the Teach@Tübingen Fellowship to pursue a post-doctoral training for a semester or a year at the University of Tübingen.

* All courses are taught in English.

Program No. Course Title Credit
Educational Psychology Learning and Instruction EDU 673 Cognitive Science Foundations of Learning and Motivation 3
EDU 692 Research in Learning and Instruction 3
EDU 716 Analysis of Psychosocial Learning Environment 3
Developmental and Individual Differences EDU 632 Personality and Individual Differences 3
EDU 678 Research in Student Development 3
EDU 897 Theories of Intelligence and Creativity 3
Foundations in Educational Pschology Research EDU 811 Seminar I in Educational Psychology 3
EDU 899 Seminar I in Educational Psychology Research Methods 3
Motivation and Emotion EDU 672 Motivational Science 3
EDU 762 Current Issues in Human Motivation I 3
EDU 828 Current Issues in Human Motivation II 3
EDU 896 Motivational and Emotional Development 3
EDU 951 Neuro-Educational Research on Emotion and Motivation 3
EDU 965 Advanced Motivational Science 3
Advanced Research in Educational Psychology EDU 929 Seminar II in Educational Psychology 3
EDU 955 Seminar II in Educational Psychology Research Methods 3
EDU 957 Writing to Publish in Educational Psychology I 3
EDU 959 Writing to Publish in Educational Psychology II 3
Educational Measurement and Statistics    EDU 636 Analysis of Variance & Regression 3
EDU 680 Meta Analysis 3
EDU 681 Structural Equation Modeling 3
EDU 691 Categorical Data Analysis 3
EDU 694 Educational Statistics Theories 3
EDU 752 Multilevel Analysis 3
EDU 753 Longitudinal Study Methodology 3
EDU 754 Generalizability Theory and Multifacet Models 3
EDU 755 Network Analysis for Education Research 3
EDU 757 Multivariate Analysis 3
EDU 824 Educational Measurement & Statistics Seminar 3
EDU 871 Item Response Theory 3
EDU 872 Psychological Measurement Theories 3
EDU 880 Advanced Statistic Methods in Education 3
EDU 889 Seminar in Contemporary Educational Statistics Theories 3
EDU 969 Seminar in Contemporary Educational Measurement Theories 3
School Counseling      EDU 519 Counseling Techniques 3
EDU 601 Counseling Children and Adolescents 3
EDU 604 Career Counseling and Development 3
EDU 682 Individual Appraisals 3
EDU 683 Global Studies in Education and Counseling 3
EDU 684 Crisis Intervention and Counseling 3
EDU 732 Seminar in School Counseling 3
EDU 733 Group Counseling 3
EDU 734 Internship in Educational Settings 3
EDU 736 Consultation Theory & Methods 3
EDU 759 Advanced Counseling Theory 3
EDU 764 Advanced Individual Appraisals 3
EDU 853 Practicum in Educational Settings 3
EDU 854 Advanced Research Methods in Counseling 3
EDU 859 Supervision of Counselors 3
EDU 971 Case Management and Conceptualization 3